PHN 652-Classmate Chayah-Response (2): Evidence-Based Practice In Public Health

PHN 652-Classmate Chayah-Response (2): Evidence-Based Practice In Public Health


QUESTION- Discuss the sources of evidence for public health nurses. How can this evidence be applied to support evidence-based practice? Cite at least two sources of evidence in your response.


Classmate Response- (Chayah) Response (2)

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The call for evidence-based quality improvement and healthcare transformation portrays the need for redesigning care that is effective, safe, and efficient. The public health nurses’ ranking of their sources of knowledge shows that the four most frequently used sources are knowledge acquired while training as a public health nurse, personal experience, community and health organizations and guidelines and procedures issued by their local authorities. knowing how public health nurses use sources of knowledge, may also give us knowledge about the demand for refresher courses within the field of practice. It is important that public health nurses work from evidence.

To apply the evidence in evidence-based practice, public health nurses must follow the steps to identify and use the best available research. Research demonstrates that the most important factor related to nurses’ EBP is support from their employing organizations to use and conduct research. Best evidence includes empirical evidence from randomized controlled trials; evidence from other scientific methods such as descriptive and qualitative research; as well as use of information from case reports, scientific principles, and expert opinion. When enough research evidence is available, the practice should be guided by research evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values (Titler, 2008).



Weum, M., Bragstad, L., Glavin, K. (2017). How Public Health Nurses Use Sources of Knowledge. Retrieved from


Titler MG. The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. In: Hughes RG, editor. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2008 Apr. Chapter 7. Available from:





Response- Chayah

From your post, you have identified the primary sources of evidence for the public nurses, such as acquired knowledge during the training sessions to be a public health professional, personal experience, health organizations, and the guidelines for the local authorities. These are important sources of evidence since they are directly connected with the nurses through their functions. You may also add experts in nursing as important sources of evident information. According to Bech et al. (2020), experts provide technical knowledge based on education and experience and thus help

make decisions.

You have also included other sources such as empirical evidence from randomized controlled trials and qualitative studies in your response. The randomized controlled studies are effective sources of evidence because they compare two or more elements under controlled conditions to establish the relationship between the factors. The conditioning of the RCTs contributes to reliable evidence, indicating how an intervention can effectively improve the quality of care in a healthcare system. According to Frieden (2017), randomized controlled trials inform the nurses and other healthcare practitioners on the relationship between two factors that are conditioned to sieve out other input factors. Compiling several empirical studies using the randomized controlled provides a conclusive position for effective decision making and thus can be a vital source of evidence for public nurses. Descriptive and qualitative research, as you have indicated, provides a non-controlled view of a phenomenon. This includes observational and interview studies that provide information on the exact condition or situation, what can be called a community snapshot. Scientific and expert experience reports are essential in providing evidence on various aspects of nursing. For instance, Healthy People 2030 provides information on experts’ experiences, positions, and advocacies for improving the quality and access of care.


Bech, B., Primdahl, J., Van Tubergen, A., Voshaar, M., Zangi, H. A., Barbosa, L., … & van Eijk-Hustings, Y. (2020). 2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the nurse’s role in the management of chronic inflammatory arthritis. Annals of the rheumatic diseases79(1), 61-68.

Frieden, T. R. (2017). Evidence for health decision making—beyond randomized, controlled trials. New England Journal of Medicine377(5), 465-475.