Signature Assignment – Lesson Plan and Teaching Presentation


Choose a nursing or healthcare topic you wish to teach to a live audience of three or more patients. Either design a lesson plan template on your own using textbook examples or obtain a template from free web sources. A lesson plan may be typed in landscape view with columns and will need to include the following five headings:

Learning Objectives, Content Outline, Teaching Strategies, Technologies, and Evaluation Methods

Include the main topic for the presentation, date, and place of presentation, time (from/to), mode of delivery (in person or virtually), and the number of adults in attendance.

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Sections of the teaching plan will need to be organized and contain the following:

SMART Learning Objectives, a minimum of five that relate to your topic

A content outline for each of five learning objectives

Document teaching strategies used where applicable for each learning objective

A list of any technologies, props, or other devices used to enhance the teaching-learning session

A list of evaluation methods that will be used for each learning objective, i.e., discussions, question and answer sessions, small group work, case studies, post-test or other evaluation of teaching form

Briefly evaluate and summarize the learning outcomes from your session.

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Signature Assignment – Lesson Plan and Teaching Presentation

The subject to be taught is safe sexual practices among members of society. Safe sexual practices include the measures taken by sexual partners to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. The lesson will be presented on 12th December 2021 at the community hall in my local town from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. The mode of delivery will be an in-person presentation, given the need for live interaction with the audience and the need to give immediate feedback to the audience. Furthermore, some technology will be used as a mode of delivery, whereby images will be projected, and some videos played to help the learners understand the topic better. Approximately 15 adults are expected to be in attendance for the lesson. However, enough preparations have been made to ensure that up to 30 adults can be effectively accommodated in the meeting hall. All measures to protect the attendees from Covid-19 will be strictly followed.

Learning Objectives

First, the learners are supposed to understand what safe sexual practices are. By the end of the lesson, the learners should understand what constitutes safe and unsafe sexual practices.

Secondly, the learners are supposed to understand the negative effects that come as a result of unsafe sexual activities. The learners need to understand the complications and unwanted outcomes that come from unsafe sexual practices and how they negatively impact human life.

The learners should also know the different ways to practice safe sexual practices and avoid negative outcomes in the process. The learners should know how to protect themselves from STIs and unwanted pregnancies using the available methods.

The learners also need to understand the benefits that they stand to gain when they engage in safe sexual practices, motivating them to practice safe sexual practices.

The learners should also be able to effectively identify places where they can access sexual health support to either protect themselves or receive treatment for the unwanted outcomes of unsafe sexual practices such as STIs.

Content Outline

  • Introduction to safe sexual practices: this topic will introduce what safe sexual practices are and what counts as either safe or unsafe sexual practices
  • Benefits of safe sexual practices: the learners will understand how they stand to gain from safe sexual practices and what they can do to get the best outcomes in the future.
  • The negative outcomes of unsafe sexual practices: the learners will understand the negative outcomes resulting from poor sexual practices, specifically contracting STIs and unwanted pregnancies.
  • The types of STIs: The learners will be taught about the types of STIs that they could contract from unsafe sexual practices and how each of the diseases is contracted.
  • Steps that contribute to safe sexual health: the learners will be taught how they can protect themselves from the different STIs they have been taught about and how to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Teaching Strategies

An inquiry-guided instruction approach will be used throughout the learning process. An inquiry-guided learning approach involves the instructor asking questions to gauge how much the learners know about the subject matter and improving their knowledge by correcting the wrong perceptions they may have on the subject matter while also building upon the correct knowledge they have (Kidman & Casinader, 2017). The learners will also be expected to ask questions on the explanations given by their instructor to improve their knowledge and help in the elimination of the wrong information that they may have on the practice of safe sex. Lesson objective transparency will be used throughout the class, whereby the instructor will mention the learning objectives to be achieved by the end of the class and confirm whether they have been addressed by the end of the lesson so that the lesson can be rated as either successful or having failed in meeting the required objectives.

Technologies to be Used

First, a projector will be used in the classroom. The projector will show images and videos that will help clarify the points being made during the class. The audiovisual expression of information will help get the best out of the class since students tend to learn more when the information passed is accompanied by audiovisual presentations. Additionally, a laptop will be used in the class due to the different important roles that it plays. For example, the laptop will be used to project the images into the projector, given that the audiovisual presentations will be stored in them. Also, a recorder will be used to record the class proceedings so that an evaluation of the process will help improve the future lessons in case any weaknesses are noticed.

Evaluation Methods

The question and answers evaluation method will evaluate the effectiveness of the lessons undertaken. After the lesson is concluded, the instructor will ask questions to the audience on the different issues covered (Mikeska et al., 2019). Through such questions, the instructor will rate the understanding levels of the learners, thereby making it easy to determine if the lesson has been successful or not. The students will also ask questions seeking further clarification from the instructor to ensure that they will gain more knowledge on the subject matter (Mikeska et al., 2019). The instructor should create a welcoming environment that will encourage the full participation of the students in the Q&A session.


Kidman, G., & Casinader, N. (2017). Inquiry-based teaching and learning across disciplines. London: Palgrave Pivot10, 978-1.

Mikeska, J. N., Holtzman, S., McCaffrey, D. F., Liu, S., & Shattuck, T. (2019). Using classroom observations to evaluate science teaching: Implications of lesson sampling for measuring science teaching effectiveness across lesson types. Science Education103(1), 123-144.

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