PHN 652-Topic 3 DQ 1: Topic 3: Data Collection And Analysis Methods -Classmate response (1)
QUESTION -TOPIC 3 DQ 1-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative or quantitative data. Give an example of when you would use each.
Classmate( Chayah) reply-
Some strengths of qualitative data methods are that the data can bring deeper meaning and insight into data. This can lead to changes in the design, administration, or interpretation of a study using qualitative data. Perceptions and feelings can be gathered in a qualitative manner (Rahman, 2016). Disadvantages or challenges can be that they usually have a smaller sample size and it can be time, labor, and even cost consuming to analyze the data. Quantitative research on the other hand can have a larger sample leading to more data collected in a shorter amount of time. Quantitative research though gives data for a moment but can’t go deeper into meaning (Rahman, 2016). Strengths of quantitative data is that measured data is concrete and in that way is logical in nature. Qualitative data can be subjective at times which for some situations can be a disadvantage.
Quantitative data can be measured, the data can be compared and numbers are used. These numerical values can give a picture of the facts during any events including a health event. Qualitative data can be broader and is non numerical and usually words to describe things. It can also be observation without measurement (National Institutes of Health, 2021). In health care it can be used in many ways but some are looking at organization change, leadership, and quality of care (National Institutes of Health, 2021). Questionnaires are sent out about staff experience and patient experience to help measure these concepts. The opinions can be used to revamp a hospital’s policies on a variety of things and to measure these improvements. Quantitative data can be used when tracking infection rates after using a new product prior to surgeries. These numbers can show if this product is worth the price and time to use depending on how it is affecting the infection rates.
National Institutes of Health. (2021). Common Data Types in Public Health Research.
Rahman, M.S. (2016). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Language “Testing and Assessment” Research: A Literature Review. Journal of Education and Learning (6), 1.
Chayah reply
I agree with you that one of the main strengths of qualitative data methods is that they allow the exploration of deeper meanings of certain concepts or ideas. I also agree with you that one of the main limitations of qualitative data methods is that such approaches are time-consuming because such methods will mainly involve dealing and spending time with research participants to collect qualitative data. However, I believe that one of the main strengths of qualitative methods is that they provide more details and help to explain complex issues. Qualitative data methods allow the research of diverse issues and concepts (Busetto et al., 2020). However, despite the provision of more details of various complex issues, one of the main limitations of qualitative data methods is that such methods provide data that might be difficult to analyze. Such data can therefore be hard to fit into specific categories. Qualitative data can also be time-consuming to analyze and classify into specific themes (Busetto et al., 2020).
On the other hand, I agree with you that one of the main benefits of quantitative data is that such data can help to provide a clear picture of concepts and the relationship of different variables in research. I also agree with you that one of the main limitations of quantitative data methods is that they might not produce sufficient data to explain complex issues (Paradis et al., 2016). However, I believe that one of the main strengths of quantitative data methods is that the findings related to quantitative data methods can be significantly generalized if the study method is well designed with a sample that is clearly representative of a given study population. However, qualitative data methods make it difficult to understand a specific context that may be related to a given phenomenon (Paradis et al., 2016).
Busetto, L., Wick, W., & Gumbinger, C. (2020). How to use and assess qualitative research methods. Neurological Research and Practice, 2(1).
Paradis, E., O’Brien, B., Nimmon, L., Bandiera, G., & Martimianakis, M. A. T. (2016). Design: Selection of Data Collection Methods. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 8(2), 263–264.