

Reflective paper: Nursing Code of Ethics

Reflective paper 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nursing subspeciality groups having separate codes of ethics? 2. Does your subspecialty of nursing practice (or the one you are currently studying for) have its own code of ethics? If…

Practicum Journal: Authority

Practicum Journal: Authority   Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike…

Leadership Theories in Practice

Response to Tonjalia Many names come to mind when I think of leaders and what they exemplify. So, the creative part of my brain wants to box the role of leaders into this form-fitting image that I’ve created, but reality…

Discussion Question 5.2

Discussion Question 5.2 Oftentimes, employees come to a point when they are ready to advance their position or further develop their skills. How can the organization’s leadership support individuals seeking to relocate laterally or advance their careers by moving into…

Discussion Question 5.2

Discussion Question 5.2 5.2. Oftentimes, employees come to a point when they are ready to advance their position or further develop their skills. How can the organization’s leadership support individuals seeking to relocate laterally or advance their careers by moving…