NRNP 6552: Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Care
Post a brief explanation about the differences in roles related to a CRNP, a CNM, and a PA and how each of these roles might impact the how you practice as an FNP. Be specific and provide examples.
Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner
The term ‘history” is broad in meaning. Within that broad framework, archeologists tend to focus their careers on various specialties and areas of interest, such as specific historical eras or geographical areas.

So it is with nurses. Within the broad framework of healthcare, nurse practitioners focus their careers on various roles. These roles may, in part be based on narrower areas of interest such as women’s health. Careers also focus on selected technical nursing specialties.
For this Discussion, you will explore your professional interests and those interests are addressed in specific guidelines and competencies. You also examine the different nurse practitioner roles related to women’s health and how these roles might impact the way you work.
To prepare:
- Review the modular structure of this course and reflect on how each module defines the specific skills needed as an advanced Nurse Practitioner (NP).
- Review the ANA guidelines, NP competencies, and the Ethic resources found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how they impact the work of the NP.
By Day 3
Post a brief explanation about the differences in roles related to a CRNP, a CNM, and a PA and how each of these roles might impact the how you practice as a FNP. Be specific and provide examples.
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Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner
A certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP) has pursued a master’s, post-masters, and doctoral level and obtains the national board certification. CRNP are equipped to provide high-quality, safe, cost-effective, and patient-centered care. The educational background prepares them with specialized clinical competency and knowledge that enables them to practice in various settings. They can practice in almost every healthcare setting, including hospitals, clinics, emergency rooms, private physician or NP practices, nursing homes, and others. Roles of CRNP include; ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, making a diagnosis, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management, coordinating patient care, and education. CRNP can manage acute, chronic, and complex diseases (Poghosyan et al., 2017). They practice autonomously and in coordination with other health care providers. CRNP also play their roles in research as patient advocates and interdisciplinary consultants.
A certified nurse-midwife is a highly educated and trained medical professional who provides comprehensive care to women and newborns during the antenatal and postnatal period. Because of their high educational level, CNMs can prescribe medications and serve as primary care providers and operate independently without supervision. According to Hastings-Tolsma et al. (2018), CNMs can work in various settings, including birthing centers, hospitals, OB/GYN clinics, private homes, midwifery practices, and health clinics. Roles of CNM consist of; patient education on birth options and preconception care, family planning services, performing physical examinations and ordering relevant diagnostic tests, monitoring maternal health and fetal well-being during the antenatal period, treating illnesses that arise during the pregnancy, nutritional counseling, engage specialist when need be during pregnancy and after birth, help in delivery, performing intervention techniques to induce labor or pain management during labor, provide care during the postpartum, perimenopausal and menopausal period.
A physician Assistant (PA) holds an advanced degree and is licensed to provide direct healthcare services. They work in hospitals, physician offices, and clinics in collaboration with a licensed physician. It is important to note that physician assistants can provide care with significant autonomy (Van Erp et al., 2021). Some of the roles of a PA include; taking history, performing physical examinations, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests such as lab works and imaging, making a diagnosis, prescribing medications, patient education, being involved in research programs, following up on the patient’s progress and assisting in surgical interventions.
A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an APRN who provides healthcare services across all age groups and thus covers a broader field scope. They often provide care through the lifespan of each patient. They play an essential role in providing primary and specialty care for the community. The roles of an FNP comprise; history taking, performing a physical examination, ordering the relevant diagnostic tests, prescribing medications and monitoring response to treatment, and collaborating with other healthcare providers (Finneran & Kreye, 2019). They generally work under the supervision of a physician, the same as the physician assistant. Certified registered nurse practitioners often choose a specialty, unlike the FNP. For example, CMNs are typically involved in obstetrics and gynecology care.
Finneran, J. M., & Kreye, J. M. (2019). Empowering the novice family nurse practitioner: Promoting readiness to practice through immersion in an innovative educational strategy. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 33(5), 383–390.
Hastings-Tolsma, M., Foster, S. W., Brucker, M. C., Nodine, P., Burpo, R., Camune, B., Griggs, J., & Callahan, T. J. (2018). Nature and scope of certified nurse-midwifery practice: A workforce study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(21-22), 4000–4017.
Poghosyan, L., Liu, J., & Norful, A. A. (2017). Nurse practitioners as primary care providers with their own patient panels and organizational structures: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 74, 1–7.
Van Erp, R. M. A., Van Doorn, A. L., Van den Brink, G. T., Peters, J. W. B., Laurant, M. G. H., & Van Vught, A. J. (2021). Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Plus: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Integrated Care, 21(1), 6.