NURS 8310 WEEK 4 Discussion 1 Epidemiology in the News Randomized Trials

By Day 3
Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

Summarize the research study addressing the aspects bulleted above. In your posting, provide a link to the article you selected.
Identify and discuss the ethical issues associated with this study.

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Discussion 1: Epidemiology in the News Randomized Trials

Asthma and its exacerbation remains a critical public health issue with different randomized trials attempting to offer solutions to reduce susceptibility and severity of the condition (George, 2021). A new randomized study by George et al. (2021) evaluated the effects of an intervention BREATHE, as a new brief shared decision-making approach. The study evaluates its feasibility and acceptability of the intervention’s procedures. The study population comprised of 80 adults who had uncontrolled persistent asthma. Forty of the participants were allocated to the experimental group, while the intervention group or control intervention had also 40 subjects. The study also had ten clinicians that were randomized and trained on “BREATHE” or the control condition. Participants were followed each month for 3 months after intervention and the researchers collected data for 18 months. The collected data came from surveys, lung function tests and interviews.

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Outcome measures for the study were based on the “BREATHE” group and the intervention one. The outcomes were measured using a shared decision-making model with the variation done using deviations recorded between the two groups (George et al., 2021). The results also show that in both groups, there was reported enhanced adherence and limited erroneous medication beliefs. The study concludes that the intervention “BREATHE” is a promising brief and customized approach that can be used to reduce the effects of asthma among the vulnerable population, especially children.

Ethical issues are essential in conducting randomized control studies as they ensure the protection of the participating population (Jaakkola et al., 2019; McCoy, 2017). Ethical issues in the study are not explicitly mentioned but the authors recruited the subjects based on their condition with informed consent and approval from relevant institutional mechanisms like the Institutional Review Board of Columbia University School of Nursing.


George, M. (2020). Group-randomized Trial Showed Significant Improvement in Asthma

Control Among Urban Black Adults.

George, M., Bruzzese, J. M., S. Sommers, M., Pantalon, M. V., Jia, H., Rhodes, J., … & Glanz,

  1. (2021). Group‐randomized trial of tailored brief shared decision‐making to improve asthma control in urban black adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(3), 1501-1517. doi: 10.1111/jan.14646.

Jaakkola, J. J., Aalto, S. A., Hernberg, S., Kiihamäki, S. P., & Jaakkola, M. S. (2019). Regular

exercise improves asthma control in adults: A randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11.

McCoy, C. E. (2017). Understanding the intention-to-treat principle in randomized controlled

trials. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18(6), 1075.

doi: 10.5811/westjem.2017.8.35985.