Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM)

Define CAM.
Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.
List some common misconceptions about CAM.
Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.
Discuss the safe use of CAM.
List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.
Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.
Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.
Explain what is meant by “ethical patient education practices”.
Explain the purpose of informed consent.
Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent.
Compose a sample informed consent form.
Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) involves implementing strategies, practices, and products that are not part of the standard medical care to help enhance the health and wellness among patients (Brewer et al., 2019). These therapeutic approaches have become more common among patients since it plays a significant role in the healthcare sector. The increased use of CAM approaches in the future might become an essential part of all healthcare systems.
A large number of patients are using complementary and Alternative Medicines. For example, approximately 46% of the population is expected to use one or more CAM approaches during treatment in the UK. Reviews show a prevalence use of CAM among specific clinical populations like diabetes, asthma, and stroke patients. Research also shows that females of middle age have been prevalent in using CAM. Those using CAM approaches are usually experiencing more than one medical condition.
Several misconceptions about the use of CAM are perceived in treating and enhancing wellness. First, CAM is an unscientific method as compared to the implementation of standard medical care. This is because it does not use mainstream medicine since it integrates evidence-based approaches. Secondly, some believe that it is ineffective, which is one of the major misconceptions held about CAM approaches. Some CAM approaches have been perceived to be wrong, and it specific worth treating and promoting a patient’s health. Lastly, CAM is expensive. People believe that paying a therapist is more costly than visiting a health facility. This is not the case since some of the therapies done in CAM, such as relaxation, guided imagery, and self-management therapy, can be conducted by individual patients.
There are different methods where the use of CAM can be included in patient education. They include the biologically based method, which involves using medicines and supplements derived from herbs for dietary deficiency and supplementing nutrients in the body (Brewer et al., 2019). Manipulative and body-based therapies are methods that incorporate the use of massage and other activities that stretch the body’s structural parts. Lastly is the mind-body interventions that focus on also healing the mind and spirit like yoga, meditation, and guided imagery.
CAM approaches are safe for patient use if they serve the intended purpose and do not worsen a situation. To ensure the safe use of CAM, practitioners involved should clearly understand the approaches and when they should be applied. Some approaches should be used with caution among different clinical populations. For example, cancer patients can implement less harmful and painless approaches to help cope with side effects of the chemotherapy, such as fatigue.
A perceptible trend towards the combination of complementary and alternative medicines approaches and conventional medicine practices is happening in the healthcare sector. This is usually a combination of convectional primary medical care and CAM practices. There can also be a focus on open communication between patients and service providers that promotes openness and comfort to patients.
Ethical theories are a set of principles used to account for moral practices to be used by nurses when facing specific issues. Ethical principles in nursing refer to practices that nurses must adhere to regarding justice, compassion, liability, fidelity, and authenticity (Kiljunen et al., 2017). Ethical values are standards that serve to differentiate between good and evil, right or wrong, and what is morally right.
Several ethical challenges in the healthcare sector may involve patients, leaders, and health practitioners. These issues include patient privacy and confidentiality, end-of-life issues, and relationships (Kiljunen et al., 2017). A positive effect of professional/patient relationships towards ethical issues is that patients can actively engage with their practitioners and share any critical detail that may help inpatient care. A poor professional/patient relationship affects ethical issues since a patient might feel that sharing personal details might jeopardize their confidentiality and privacy.
Ethical patient education practices refer to proper methods in which patients make informed decisions regarding compliance, concordance, and acceptance of preferred treatment. This is whereby patients believe that after discussing with a service provider, guided with principles and openness, honesty, and acceptance, they can choose the treatment they most prefer.
Informed consent is a process in which a patient acquires education about the risks, interests, and alternatives of a given approach or alternative. With this, a patient can relate to any particular medication or treatment as opposed to controlled substances. Its purpose is to ensure that the treatment objectives are well articulated, the patient is aware of the risk involved, and that alternative treatment methods are considered.
Factors that determine a patient’s ability to provide informed consent include age, where the patient is of legal age to make a decision. Secondly is mental stability, where the patient should have a clear mind through the decision process.

Research Study Title God’s callings after retirement
Study Type Project
Purpose Identify different callings that a person can engage in after retirement.
Goals Narrow to two practices to engage after retirement
Risks What are some of the challenges participants likely to encounter?
Advantage What benefits will the callings were chosen have to the participants?

The communication process used while obtaining informed consent from patients and family include:
Developing an effective rapport with the patient.
Getting consent for a discussion.
Preparing and engaging the patient’s family.
Acquiring information about the patient’s insights.

Brewer, N., Turrise, S., Kim-Godwin, Y., & Pond, R. (2019). Nurses’ Knowledge and Treatment Beliefs: Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Pain Management. Journal Of Holistic Nursing, 37(3), 248-259.
Kiljunen, O., Välimäki, T., Partanen, P., & Kankkunen, P. (2017). Multifaceted competence requirements in care homes: Ethical and interactional competence emphasized. Nordic Journal Of Nursing Research, 38(1), 48-58.

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